Saturday, May 26, 2012

Best day of the year?

What day is the best day of the year? Well it would have to be spring time when the flowers are out, the trees are in bloom, and the leaves are at their brightest green, so that pretty much has to be May. This year as we all know it has been cold and wet, but that does mean that as soon as the sun comes out all the flowers have burst into bloom at the same time.

Today the sun was shining, and the trees and plants were all in bloom. Soon the blossom will disappear and the buttercups will fade, so in all probability the best day this year is today.

Here's Pishiobury Park at its absolute finest.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Not much around

Morning visit to Lodmoor. Overcast, drizzle, and no obvious migrants. I lined up to next to a fellow birder in the bandstand and casually mentioned that there wasn't much around. "Not Much Around !?!". Oh God I've just inadvertently hit his pet subject. "Well there's three Marsh Harriers up over the back" yes there was - my mistake not looking - "and large numbers of hirundines out there" yes I'd spotted those; some nice Sand Martins and Swallows resting on brambles, and masses of Swifts. "And there's a beautiful summer plumage Great Northern Diver in the bay. Seems to me there's quite a lot around!" I took my queue and went off to the bay. There was indeed a glorious Great Northern Diver relaxing in the bay, and 4 Common Scoter in the bay too, one male and three females.

So that was me told. Always something to see. Even so, a Whimbrel, or a Whinchat, would have been nice.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Local Lapwings

spare time has been at a premium recently, but I had a spare hour and went to a new site for me, a newish fishing pit dug out of the local farmland just south of Bishop's Stortford. I came away with Little Ringed Plover, a few Yellow Wagtails, and a few pairs of Lapwings and a small flock of Linnets. On the water were Tufted Ducks, Canada Geese, and Mallards. In the water were some enormous Carp thrashing around at the shallow end - well it is a fishing pit. The sunshine tempted out Peacock butterly and an Orange Tip. Just by the edge was an egg and some bloodied feathers. I think both are from Lapwing. There's some shots below.
Update: the egg is Red-Legged Partridge and the feathers Wood Pigeon. Thanks for the update Mike!

Commonly Spotted Orchids

We are fortunate in the UK in that the commonest orchids are also amongst the most beautiful. I spent a morning photographing some on the lo...