Sunday, June 21, 2009

Marsh Warbler

There's been a Marsh Warbler at Amwell, showing really well. I went over late this afternoon with a firm 5:30 deadline. On arrival a small group was standing idly chatting, and sure enough it hadn't been seen or heard for over an hour.

We all know how this is going to end. But No!! With just 5 minutes to go, there's some wobbling in the thistle bushes, and there it is, out in the open, looking like Marsh Warblers do in the photos, and then its off in the bush with a burst of song weirdness. And I'm heading for home with a lifer.

Is it churlish to complain about that other places get exotic waders and terns, but the Lee Valley's speciality is dull brown Warblers?


laurence.d said...

Glad you got it John ,I got him @ 4.45 this morning even a couple of short video clips the song is something else , bits of goldfinch,blue tit in amongst song thrush/blackbird , even at one point nuthatch !
lbj he may be but the song makes up for it ?

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